
Ap Art Drawing Portfolio Examples


The Quality section promotes the development of a sense of excellence in art.  For this section, students submit five works that best demonstrate excellence.  There are no preconceptions about what the works will look like - they may have been created quickly or over a long period of time; they may be drawn from observation, imagination, or a combination.  The five works chosen for the Quality section may come from the studnet's Concentration section and/or Breadth section, but they don't have to.  They may be a group of related works, unrelated works, or a combination of related and unrelated works.

You'll notice that there are two different types: Drawing and 2-D Design, it depends upon which AP Art class you are focusing on for this course.  In this first section, there are two scores: 5 & 6.  Six is the highest possible score.  Following the first section you will see the difference with the quality pieces that earned other scores.  Take the time to study the difference and evaluate your work in relation to the examples on this page.

In your opinion, where does your work fall within the scoring?  What do you notice as discernible differences between the different scores?

So what does QUALITY look like?

Lisa J. Huff 2007

Cedar Shoals High School, Athens, GA

Score: 6


Milan Aguirre 2012

Loyola High School, Los Angeles, CA

Score: 6

Joshua Veasey 2011

Harrison Center for the Visual and Performing Arts, Lakeland, FL

Score: 6


Grace Wielebinski 2009

Greenhill School, Addison, TX

Score: 6

Felicia Alcaide 2012

Design and Architecture Senior High School, Miami, FL

Score: 6

Caitlin Wilkinson 2011

Pacific Christian School, Victoria, BC, Canada

Score: 6

Aeri Kwon 2007

Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT

Score: 5

Yebin So 2012

Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, NJ

Score: 5

Christina Bishop 2011

Mamaroneck High School, Mamaroneck, NY

Score: 5


Xuan Wang 2009

Plano West Senior High School, Plano, TX

Score: 5

Will Kromer 2012

Friday Harbor High School, Friday Harbor, WA

Score: 5

The following Quality examples earned 4 or lower in points...notice the difference in quality and maturity with the images.  You should be focusing on creating images that are of the quality of those featured above.

Cody Albin

Apollo High School, Glendale, AZ

Score: 4


Jun Kamo

Woodbridge High School, Irvine, CA

Score: 3

The quality section of this portfolio is confident and ambitious. The student handles drawing issues of form and space well and varies stylistic approaches and media. In image 5 the student successfully transforms space with inventive use of materials. Image 4 demonstrates a good understanding of color theory. However, the work apparently relies on photographic sources and could benefit from more experimentation with mark-making. The compositional organization indicates the potential to further explore the elements and principles of design. While the ideation is limited in personal vision and voice, the works appear to be good solutions to academic assignments and are technically proficient overall.

In this selection of work, the student shows a sense of effort and energy with drawing approaches, but risk-taking is suggested to move beyond classroom expectations. Observational work is commendable. For example, the gestures and portrait drawings exhibit confident, expressive line quality and passionate mark-making. Form, gesture, and space are explored with little engagement beyond the surface of the picture plane. Compositional skills could be improved by investigating other properties of balance and by activating the edges, as well as exploring figure-ground relationships. Overall, the student's discerning eye for observational drawing with the conceptual presentation of the hand morphing into a pencil (image 5) shows promise.

Alonso Mendoza

Del Valle High School, Del Valle, TX

Score: 4

Rationale for Score:

          •The work demonstrates a good understanding of drawing issues with a growing sense of ambition and purpose.

          •The painted portrait demonstrates a bold approach and good experimentation with color and surface manipulation, whereas some of the other portraits are not fully successful in transcending their photographic sources.

          •The work demonstrates some technical competence and good use of drawing materials, although not all compositional and mark-making issues are resolved.

          •Some confidence is evident in the technical execution of the work, but the repeated use of the centralized composition does not fully engage the viewer.

          •Overall the work is of good quality.

Stacy Wilson

Adolfo Camarillo High School, Camarillo, CA

Score: 3

Rationale for Score:

          •The work demonstrates an emerging understanding of drawing issues, including composition, form in space and mark-making.

          •The piece with a horse (image 3) reflects imagination and a sense of exploration; however, the other works are considerably more conventional in approach.

          •The work shows a rudimentary understanding of design principles, particularly emphasis and engagement of figure/ground relationships.

          •The work demonstrates some effort in observation and the exploration of media; further study can lead to greater technical competence.

          •Overall the work is of moderate quality.

Isabel Sorrentino

Huntington High School, Huntington, NY

Score: 4

Anonymous student

Score: 3

Jaimie Kenney

Booker High School, Sarasota, FL

Score: 4

Alyssa Schuda

Capistrano Valley High School, Mission Viejo, CA

Score: 3

Ap Art Drawing Portfolio Examples


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